Monday, 23 February 2015

The Reasons Why I'm Competing

At our training day on Saturday, we all went one by one into a room and spoke directly to the camera about why we would make a good Mr or Miss Hampshire.

After some days to gather my thoughts, speak from the heart and truly understand why I'm entering, again, I've come up with these reasons:

What I've found over the years I have competed is that most members of the public don't really know about Miss England, and if they have had heard of it, they don't understand what it actually entails.

I'm naturally a great communicator and campaigner it is my passion in life to listen to other people's stories and help them to gain coverage and get others to care.

I think I would be a great Miss Hampshire as I want to tell people about our modern, empowering competition celebrating womanhood by supporting women and countless numbers of charities globally.

Miss Hampshire should be determined to publicise the organisation and help publicise the community work carried out in the county- I've ran the Alton 10 mile road race, I've cleaned up the beaches of Hampshire from litter to protect the environment in my spare time, I've visited Naomi childrens hospice and got covered in powder paint running 10k for them. I use my blog, which has had more than 4,000 views to inspire young women and inform people on my home county.

I'll be trekking the entire of the IOW for charity in May, and I am running the Southampton half marathon soon for BWAP and for the hospital ward that treated my boyfriend for cancer, which incidentally also treated my Granddad, who sadly died of the disease.

This is my passion, my home. I want to make my family and friends proud after what we've all been through.

It takes a lot of courage to come back after coming so close last year, but from what I've been through this year, and from what I've seen others go through, from my charity and campaign work (I am a member of Amnesty International and a campaigner for the movement against xenophobia), coming back here, putting on a nice dress and making a bunch of new friends doesn't seem that daunting.

I'm very excited to be here and I hope you'll consider me for the post of Miss Hampshire. Thank you


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