Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Finalist Spotlight - Channon Kail

In the lead up to the Miss Hampshire & IOW finals on March 12th, we thought it would good to show off our amazing finalists and let you know what they are all about. 

Next up, we have Channon Kail, who's 20 and a HR Administrator from Portsmouth. 

Tell us about your occupation?

I have just started a new role at my local hospital in the HR department. I work within a multidisciplinary team supporting various clinical departments. I have many responsibilities and enjoy learning new things.

What are your hobbies and ambitions?

It is my ambition to become a social worker. I am currently working full time as well as attending evening classes to gain the level 3 qualification I need to attend university. I love helping people and enjoy making a difference to people’s lives. I am a keen fundraiser and over the past year have raised over £2000 for various charitable organisations. I enjoy letting off some steam by running and going to the gym. I am a very sociable person and enjoy spending my spare time with family and friends.
Who is your role model? 

I know this may seem cliché however my mum is my biggest role mode. She was a young mum and has never stopped going above and beyond to get the best for her family. Not only does she care for my family but she works as a care manager, providing support for those who need it within my local community. She has always inspired me to do my best and that nothing is impossible. I have learned many life lessons from her including nothing is easy and if it’s worth having it will take some hard work. My mum has never let me or any of my siblings go without, even if it means sacrificing something that she wants. My mum means everything to me and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything she has done for me and my family.

What is the craziest thing you've done?

I would say that the craziest/eye opening thing I have done was sleeping rough for a local charity called Trinity. A group of friends and I slept rough within the Winchester Cathedral grounds, we slept under cardboard boxes and tarpaulin. It was the most eye opening thing I have ever done. Putting myself in the shoes of someone who is homeless was an incredible experience. Sleeping (trying) next to one my friends and pageant inspirations was fun and difficult at times, it gave me a whole new perspective on those less fortunate than myself. It taught me not to take things for granted and appreciate all that I have.

Why would you be a good representative for your county? 

 I feel that I would be a good representative for my county as I feel that I am a genuine girl with a caring nature who is willing to give 110% for something that I believe in. I feel I would be a good advocate for all those who have had anxiety and I would like to show those people that if I can do it then so can they. I would love to use the Miss England platform to raise awareness and funds for charities on a larger level. I feel that there is a stigma around beauty pageants and I would like to change that. Beauty pageants, Miss England especially, is an amazing organisation highlighting the amazing things that young men and women achieve. Being in a beauty pageant it not something that should be seen as vanity but a life changing experience making a difference to not only the contestants lives but those who benefit from the hundreds of thousands of pounds that the organisation has helped to raise. I would love to be a role model for young women and empower them to enter pageants and promote the Miss England pageants throughout the County.

*Photos by David Freeman Photography: 


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