Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Billion Dollar Smile – How would I use the Miss England title to make people smile? Fitness Challenges

As part of my Miss England & Billion Dollar Smile Brightest Smile Award campaign, I am answering the question, “How would you make people smile if you won the title of Miss England?”

Yesterday I wrote about my good deed movement, and today I am focusing on health and fitness.

I’ve always been into sports; I was sports captain in secondary school and loved playing tennis, cricket and rounders, and attended dance classes since I was a toddler. In recent years I have gained a passion for belly dancing, yoga and running so being fit is part of my life.

However, while having a happy wellbeing makes me smile, it can also help others. I use my love for running to fundraise for charities, and I have recently ran the Alton 10 mile roadrace, the children’s hospice Naomi House & Jacksplace Colour Run, and the ABP Southampton Half-Marathon for Southampton Hospital Charity and Beauty With A Purpose.

What I really remember from these races are the amazing supporters lining the route and cheering all us runners on. I remember being absolutely covered in paint in the Colour Run and the little kids throwing it at me giggling their heads off! I remember giving high fives to the children who handed me jelly babies during a tough mile of the half-marathon, and I remember practically hugging the lady who offered me a flapjack outside a church in Southampton on my route.
These people made me smile, and me running (all red, sweaty and puffy, but still smiling) hopefully made them smile too, as well as the people and organisations I was running for.

If I were to win Miss England I would make sure I ran the London marathon – it is on my bucket list and I feel fitter than ever now. I would also encourage others to get fit and healthy for charity, through sponsored cycles, runs, group dance sessions and swimathons. I know these type of events drum up amazing support and make spectators and receivers of the funds raised smile lots and lots, so I know I would be making people happy and smiley by doing this.

Billion Dollar Smile are offering 25% online purchases as part of their brilliant involvement with Miss England. To get 25% off please use the voucher code: MISS25

You can buy the fantastic whitening strips I’ve been using here.


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