Tuesday, 21 July 2015

5 questions I’ve been asked since winning Miss Hampshire

Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned?
It would be seen as a bit old-fashioned if the competition hadn’t of modernised. However, Miss England really embodies what makes a successful modern woman and has embraced the changing times and attitudes.

With an intelligence test , a fitness bootcamp and a big emphasis on charity work, Miss England is very much about being a good citizen and with its use of social media and text voting, it has really acknowledged the technological age.

But you’re smart?...
Okay so this is more of a statement but still this popped up when my work colleagues found out about my pageant pastime. But they’re right; I am smart. I have a BA (hons) in Magazine Journalism with my dissertation scoring a first, I have interned with the BBC and I am a member of Amnesty International. Carina Tyrrell, reigning Miss England is darn clever to – she’s studying to be a doctor at Cambridge University. This assumption of contestants as airheads has no merit as these finalists are not only intellectual, but emotionally smart too. Organising yourself in the lead up to and during the competition takes real hard work and a lot of brains to execute it all.

Isn’t it all about being really self-involved?
Something you should all hear more about is all of our incredible charity work. People may think we are just in it for the sparkly crown and glory but I entered Miss Hampshire to promote and further my fundraising for my local oncology unit. The contestants this year are phenomenally generous with their energy and time because at the very heart of Miss England and Miss World is Beauty With A Purpose. It is with beautiful actions that we can make a difference in this world and I love using my title to help others. Myself alone I’ve slept homeless, taken part in the ‘strawfie’ challenge for Cystic Fibrosis, ran 10 miles and then a half-marathon, hosted a recycling show, modelled and presented, held my own fete and an arts and crafts day all for charity and all within my spare time.

It can’t be much hard work?
I believe the answer above touches on just how much hard work does go into these competitions. I’ve been asked numerous times if I have a job and when people find out I work full time as an international journalist they can’t believe I can fit it all in! It can be tough and you do have to make sacrifices but I love being busy.

There will always be one girl who thinks they can turn up and do well on looks alone. But Miss England is after a total package, a lady with a real work ethic who likes to get stuck in. I’m pulling nine hour days at work with gruelling gym sessions every evening, followed by blogging, eco-wear creating, PR and charity work. My weekends are also packed with events and appearances not just in Hampshire but all over the country. Miss England is not for the fainthearted but I believe you get out what you put in.

Aren’t the contestants really bitchy?

Some of my best friends have come from Miss England and I’ve learnt from every contestant. There aren’t many opportunities to see such a gathering of wonderful, like-minded women who want to achieve and help others. We are not backstage ripping each other’s dresses up; we are helping each other into them!


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