Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Crown Charity Challenges Completed!

I’m really proud to say I have completed all the Crown Charity Challenges set by Miss England this year. At the heart of the competition is Beauty With A Purpose which I have created a video about:

Reigning Miss England Carina Tyrrell came up with a series of charity challenges across the year to encourage us contestants to put ourselves out there and show the public what Miss England finalists are really all about. We might be judged for some rounds on swimwear and modelling abilities, but charity and community work is also highly commended and important in a competition that is all about what makes a modern young woman great.

I completed every single challenge and loved being a part of them. I also managed to squeeze in my own charity work and fundraising for Beauty With A Purpose too! Here’s a summary of what I have been up to:

Wintercomfort Simple Suppers

Wintercomfort supports men and women who are homeless or vulnerably housed  and their March campaign involved making simple meals such as pancakes, pasta or toad in the hole and showing how little you really need to spend. I made pancakes with fruit for my friends and spoke to them about how cheap it was, and how the money saved can help homeless people.

I was so encouraged by raising awareness of homelessness that I slept rough for my local homelessness charity Trinity Winchester. It was a really tough night – it rained and it was incredibly windy so I was pretty soggy by daybreak but to do that for just one night really made me think about how I take my easy life for granted.

Kidney Research UK

After running the ABP Southampton Half-Marathon for BWAP and Southampton Hospital Charity, myself and my family supporting the marathon donned the colour purple for Kidney Research UK. A leading national charity dedicated to research that will lead to better treatments and cures for kidney disease, I was honoured to show my purple colours for the charity. And I was pretty puffed out by then so my cheeks matched my t-shirt!

Young People of the Year awards, or YOPEY’s acknowledge young people and campaign to give young people a fairer image in the media. I hosted a tea with teddies party with my close university friends who brought their teddies from Somerset, Hampshire and Essex to celebrate young people. We had tea and a lovely assortment of pastries and scrummy treats, and they all decided to put my numerous Miss England tiaras on.

Age UK

Age UK’s Big Chinwag event took place on my birthday so I created a birthday chinwag selfie and set about spending the weekend with some amazing older people in my community. I attended Portsmouth’s Worldwide Knitting Outside event in Victoria Park and learnt, sort of, how to knit from a lovely group of women, some of who meet twice a week and love knitting for friends and family. My knitted teddy bear looks more like a worm but I still enjoyed myself!


Calum Mayes, a 17 year old amputee and recipient of the Inspirational WellChild award is an absolute inspiration. He organized the Wheelchair Awareness Challenge – an 8 day trek from Leicester to Blackpool. Before I joined him for some of the journey I held a bake sale at work and raised nearly £100!

I travelled all the way to Nottingham for the second day of the trek and walked for the morning. It was great meeting his whole family and seeing what a tight, close knit lovely group they are. It was a great day and definitely a finale to a fantastic few months of the crown charity challenges!

In-between these challenges I managed to raise £2,500 for BWAP and Southampton Hospital Charity, campaign for better awareness of Cystic Fibrosis and get involved with the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for children with cancer. I ran a half-marathon, hosted a charity fashion show, modelled and did a speech in another, and held a charity weekend bonanza  in Marchood with a charity mini fete and hosted an arts and crafts day for the patients of Southampton Children’s Hospital. Phew!

Yes I have been busy. But it has been totally worth it. I love being involved in charity and community work, and BWAP and the crown charity challenges have allowed me to really muck in and make a difference.


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