Monday, 20 July 2015

Wheelchair Awareness Challenge with Calum Mayes

On Sunday I attended the second leg of the Wheelchair Awareness Challenge (WAC) , organised by the amazing Calum Mayes and his friends and family.

A recipient of the Inspirational Child WellChild award, Calum is an absolute inspiration to us all. He was born eight weeks premature, and because his liver, kidneys and lungs were so undeveloped, the doctors weren’t sure he would survive. Three days after his birth Calum had major heart surgery and spent the next three months of his young life in hospital.

Calum had a number of operations throughout his childhood, but in 2013 he had to make the hard decision of whether to keep his leg or have it amputated as he had a serious risk of blood poisoning. He chose the amputation and is now 17. While he still undergoes regular treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital for his other leg, you wouldn’t even know this as Calum is so positive and funny – he really doesn’t let his health overrule his zest for life.
Not only brave, Calum is also very generous and wanted to give back to a number of charities that have helped him over the years, so he organised the WAC walk with his friends and family.
Starting Saturday 18th July, WAC is taking place right now and will see Calum and the gang walk from Leicester all the way to Blackpool.
I joined in the challenge on the Sunday for the Nottingham to Derby part. We met at 8.30am, (which involved a 5am alarm at Miss Rickmansworth’s house as she kindly let me stay the night) in Nottingham city centre and took a few photos. Also joining in the walk were Miss Surrey Lucy Kent, Miss Forest & Fens Alex Ross, Miss Nottingham Rebecca Drysdale, and Miss Rickmansworth Charlotte White.

We then set off and while there were a few pit stops on the way (toilet and drink breaks as well as a photo call with the Nottingham Post organised by Alex) it actually does take it out of you. The weather was also tricky as one minute it was cold and chucking it down and then it would be baking hot! I had a go at pushing Calum and I apologise Calum if I wasn’t a very good driver! The ground was a little hilly and I struggled with the kerbs but overall I think I got the hang of it!

I just wanted to say a massive well done to everyone taking part and especially to Calum who really is a light in the dark and just opens your eyes to living life positively no matter what!

Support WAC here: 

P.S. I raised £91.39 at my work bake sale on Friday with a menu of very naughty but yummy treats! My work bunch are very generous and kind and wrote some lovely feedback on the cakes:

“Well done. They were great. X”
“I must say that vanilla cupcake I had was emoottttionaall!!”
“Best of luck to your friend J Cupcake was scrummy! X”
“Thanks for the lovely treats Larissa J All the best with Calum…”
“It is wonderful to support a good cause and to see your enthusiasm for it. I hope you have made lots of money!”

“Thanks for the lovely cakes J


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